Hawai'i Courthouse Photo Contest

Hawai'i Courthouse Photo Contest. Aloha, from Hawai'i Legal News. We are happy to announce our first photograph contest. Please submit your photograph of any Hawai'i courthouse (it does not have to be an active courthouse). Winners will be featured in the 2011 Hawai'i Legal News Calendar. Submit your photograph today!


1. Hawai'i Legal News is looking for compelling, original pictures that feature active and inactive courthouses throughout the State of Hawai'i. This includes any building that held court--be it appellate or trial court--for the State of Hawai'i, the federal government, the Territory of Hawai'i, the Provisional Government, the Republic of Hawai'i, or the Hawaiian Kingdom. Pictures can feature the exterior of the building or the interior courthouse. We will also accept the sites for particularly interesting or famous Congressional or legislative hearings or agency hearings.

2. All entries must be submitted by email. Please send your submission to: hawaiilegalnews@gmail.com

3. Please include your name, contact information, the name of the courthouse, the location, district, and whether the courthouse is still functioning (e.g. Wahiawa District Courthouse, Wahiawa, O'ahu, inactive.). If you have any information about the courthouse, be sure to include that too.

4. Pictures can be color or black and white. Photoshop or other software manipulation is permissible, but that must be disclosed.

5. Entries must be submitted by the original photographer. Do not submit a photo taken by someone other than yourself. You must be the sole owner of the copyright of any image submitted. Your submission of the photo and the entry form is your guarantee that you are the author and copyright holder of the photograph.

6. By entering your photograph, you agree to have your image displayed either on Hawai'i Legal News' website and any publications (e.g. calendars, stationary, etc.) issued by Hawai'i Legal News. Winners will be contacted before publication.

7. Images will not be returned.

8. By participating in this contest, you agree to release and hold harmless Hawai'i Legal News and its editor, Benjamin Lowenthal from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of action, or losses of any kind resulting from your participation in the contest, including infringement of copyright and intellectual property rights. Hawai'i Legal News and its editor, Benjamin Lowenthal, assume no responsibility or liability for any damages, injuries, claims, causes of action, or losses of any kind arising in whole or in part from this contest.


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